Mădălina Ignat



I’d like people to know we still exist although for some it’s been a year since we were on stage.

Mădălina Ignat – performance

Nina Zarechnaya – from The Seagull by Chekhov
Recorded at “ARCUB” Hall – Bucharest
Concept video: Virgil Oprina


I think people need art, theatre, cinema, concerts. I hope once it’s all over we’ll go back to normal and art will become normal and accessible to all, the same as education is. I think both are equally important.

Mădălina Ignat introduces herself


Mădălina Ignat


(b. 1988, Miercurea Ciuc)

Mădălina Ignat grew up in Miercurea Ciuc. Coming from a small town, her first contact with professional theatre came only when she moved to Bucharest, during her university years. However, she first discovered her attraction towards theatre in adolescence when, without knowing why, she took up acting and participated in theatre festivals organized by her school.

Despite being artistically inclined, after high school she decided to study journalism at the University of Bucharest. During her first year of college, she received an assignment for a story, which brought her at Teatrul Studențesc Podul. Here is where she met the one who was going to become her mentor and guide her towards acting, professor Cătălin Naum.

In 2010, at the recommendation of Cătălin Naum, she went to Teatrul Bulandra, where she worked as a prompter in several performances, an experience she considers defining for her artistic training, a second school of theatre.

In 2016 she graduated the Acting Department, class of Professor Virgil Ogășanu from the Faculty of Arts at Hyperion University.

She collaborated as an actress with independent theatres in Bucharest, such as Teatrul de Artă, Godot Cafe-Teatru and also with Teatrul Excelsior, Teatrul de Revistă and Teatrul L.S. Bulandra.